MP3 (Digital Encoding Process) Granted US Patent – 5,579,430

November 26, 1996 A United States Patent 5,579,430 is granted to the Fraunhofer Institut in Germany for a “digital encoding process”, the technology used in MEPG Audio Layer III, more commonly known as MP3. MP3 is a digital music format for creating high-quality sound files. It has transformed the way people buy and listen to music. The great attraction of …

June 20, 1840 Samuel F.B. Morse receives a U.S. patent

1840: Samuel F.B. Morse receives a U.S. patent for his dot-dash telegraphy signals, known to the world as Morse code. The code Morse devised with Alfred Vail uses a system of dots and dashes to represent letters and numbers. It went into practical use in 1844, after producing a working electromagnetic telegraph transmitter. The original code was a little different than the one …

Ray Tomlinson – The inventor of email

Email and how it all began! Electronic mail, or email, is a method of exchanging digital messages between people using digital devices such as computers, tablets, and mobile phones. Email first entered substantial use in the 1960s and by the mid-1970s had taken the form now recognized as email. Learning more about electronic mail and how it all began! 1968 Ray …

National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day – December 7th

On this day, December 7 in 1941 at 7:55am Hawaii time the United States was attacked by the Japanse dive bombers bearing the Rising Sun of Japan on their wings. The surprise attack on US Naval forces struck a crucial blow to the U.S. Pacific Naval Fleet. The home base being Pearl Harbor and with most of the fleet at the …

The Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

The Hard Disk Drive      The Hard Disk Drive or HDD has come a long way in regards to their capacities (well over 100,000 times more storage capacity than observed in this image), and the performance is better than ever! It is simple enough to walk into your local computer store or even a major retailer and pick up …